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How to Deal With a Harsh Boss

When your boss is harsh it’s hard to have a good day. Whether they’re unkind or just plain incompetent, a harsh boss can make your job miserable. But there are ways to deal with this type of situation that doesn’t involve quitting your job. Here are some tips for dealing with an unpleasant, overbearing manager.

Take Time to Identify the Problem

Are you being treated differently from other employees? Is your boss treating everyone poorly, or is it just you? It’s important to consider whether you are the only one who is unhappy with how your boss treats people. Consider talking with other employees who work under your boss, and asking them if they have noticed any problems. You may take action if they agree that you need to do something about your boss’s behavior.

Set Boundaries

Know your limits and ensure your boss knows what they are. Don’t be afraid to say no, ask for help when you need it, and don’t be afraid to ask for a transfer or a raise if the situation becomes intolerable. Take breaks from work when necessary. If you feel overwhelmed by stress, take time off work to relax until you feel better prepared to deal with it more effectively.

Talk to Your HR Department

If talking to your boss doesn’t resolve the situation, you may consider speaking with your company’s HR department. This can be a good option if you’re in an unfamiliar environment and feel uncomfortable going directly to someone in a higher position. The HR department is a resource that can help you learn more about what’s been happening and provide insights into how your boss views the situation.

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