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3 Tips to Avoid Procrastination at Work

Procrastination can derail your career and make you less productive than you could be, which is why it’s so important to avoid procrastination.

But if you have trouble getting started on tasks and completing projects, it can be challenging to keep yourself in check throughout the day and avoid wasting time.

Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to help yourself get moving when you feel like you’re stalling out. Here are three tips to help avoid procrastination at work.

Change Your Environment

You might be surprised by how much a change of environment can have on your productivity. If you’re used to working in your bedroom, try moving into the kitchen. Maybe you’ve been trying to do work in the living room, but it’s just not happening there. Find a place where you can work and make it your own- whether that means putting up some art or turning on some tunes. You might also want to try listening to music while working or using headphones instead of speakers if that helps you concentrate.

Set Smaller Goals

One of the best ways to avoid procrastination is by setting smaller goals for yourself. By breaking larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks, you can feel good about what you’re accomplishing every day and enjoy a sense of accomplishment that will help fuel your motivation.

Find an Accountability Partner

Find someone you trust to be your accountability partner. Tell them what you want to achieve, and ask them if they will hold you accountable when you need it. This may be a friend or family member, but it can also be a professional coach or therapist. They should be someone who cares about the outcome and is willing to help in any way they can.

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